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Writer's pictureJessa Mangyao and Athalie Reyes

PCX Solutions Featured in WWF’s Case Study on Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) role in EPR

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)’s recently published technical paper, Extended Producer Responsibility: A Study on the Role of Producer Responsibility Organizations, highlights the current implementation of EPR in the Philippines and initial EPR initiatives, and provides insights into the economic, environmental, and social aspects of EPR Programs.

PCX Solutions Organization is a registered Producer Responsibility Organization with over a hundred obliged enterprises (OEs) in its roster. It is also a non-profit organization that manages the Plastic Pollution Reduction Standard (PPRS), which provides the framework for its EPR program. 

The PPRS offers a robust and transparent system to register plastic recovery and diversion projects not only in the Philippines but also around the world. PPRS registered projects generate plastic credits, which OEs may use to comply with the recovery and diversion targets as required in the EPR Act of 2022. The requirement is for OEs to recover and divert at least 20% of their total plastic footprint by the end of 2023, and this increases to 40% by 2024, then in increments of 10%, reaching at least 80% by 2028 and beyond. Plastic Credits refers to an environmental unit representing 1,000 kilograms or 1 metric ton of post-consumer plastic waste diverted away from nature, which is obtained through documented and verified collection, aggregation, and recycling or processing activities, and is registered in the PPRS Registry. Each credit issued by PCX Solution under the PPRS undergoes 3rd party verification prior to issuance, to ensure that impact has been delivered and is fully traceable. 

The Aling Tindera Program by Friends of Hope and Ecoloop by Republic Cement, which are both PPRS registered projects, are also featured in the report. 

WWF Philippines has recognized Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as a critical policy tool to reduce plastic consumption and leakage to the environment, and successful EPR programs are essential to meet the intended outcomes of EPR. This study further highlights that partnerships with PROs like PCX Solutions “have made notable progress in implementing EPR for plastic waste management in the Philippines, serving as models for other obliged enterprises seeking compliance with the EPR law.” 

Read the full WWF Philippines report here. For collaboration opportunities within EPR and Plastic Responsibility, please feel free to reach us at



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